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Beispielseite Dentalpilot
Praxis für Mund -, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
Dr. Dr. Andreas Mustermkg, Dr. Linda Muster
Von-Broich-Strasse 6 · 52072 Aachen · Tel.: 0241 / Mustertelefon · Fax: 0241 / Musterfax

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Facelift | Eye-Lid-Lift | Eye-Nose Corrections | Anti Wrinkles Injection | Botox

Plastic surgery in the facial area offers effective treatments of different problems.
Dominating this complexity of possible inconveniences does require special competence and experience in the complex facial structures. Only a most sensitive treatment of the tissue and medically reasonable interventions can guarantee long term success. Our premanent aim is to cause major improvement with minor changes.

The formation of an oral and maxillo-facial surgeon with extended formation in plastic surgery does enable a mdeic to exercise all operative interventions in the face, the soft tissue surgery and in modification of the bonal structure.

Our services include the following features:

- facelift with streamlining skin and tissue
- wrinkle smoothening
- corrections of scarred tissue
- Botox therapies
- eye-lid corrections
- nose corrections
- ear corrections